20 tips to keep your teeth pearly white

20 tips to keep your teeth pearly white

If your teeth need a little sprucing up, start with one of these easy tips. 

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Avoid coffee

Avoid coffee
Drinking water Shutterstock

Coffee is one of the biggest culprits of teeth staining. To keep your teeth white, avoid coffee altogether or opt for iced coffee or a cold brew through a straw. If you must, find another source of caffeine in the morning to keep the fuel source from dimming the brightness of your teeth. 

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Drink soda through a straw

Drink soda through a straw
Drinking soda Shutterstock

Soda, especially dark soda, is another damaging beverage when it comes to the whiteness of your teeth (among other things). If you can’t go a day without a Diet Coke, have it through a straw instead so the soda doesn’t touch your teeth, or at least doesn’t touch them as much. 

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Have white wine instead

Have white wine instead
Drinking wine Shutterstock

Almost everyone who’s had a glass of red wine can relate to finishing with wine mouth. The drink discolors your lips and teeth, and unfortunately for your teeth, that discoloration can become permanent. No, your teeth aren’t going to turn red, but they won’t stay as white. Drink white wine instead to curb that discoloration. 

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Flossing Shutterstock

Flossing regularly is good for your overall dental health, including keeping your teeth white. If you get all the food and plaque out of your teeth each day, there will be less inside your mouth that could potentially cause decay and discoloration. 

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Don’t smoke

Don’t smoke
Avoiding cigarette Shutterstock

Smoking is terrible for your health, but it’s most apparent in the appearance of your teeth. The tar from cigarettes stains your teeth, so the best way to avoid tar stains is to abstain from smoking. 

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Use whitening toothpaste

Use whitening toothpaste
Brushing teeth Shutterstock

Whitening toothpaste won’t be the answer to all your teeth-whitening problems, but it is a good addition to a dental health regime. While it will not remove old or deep stains, it will keep your teeth polished. 

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Try an at-home whitener

Try an at-home whitener
Brushing teeth Shutterstock

If you don’t want to buy a whitening toothpaste, you can make one at home instead. To get that whitening effect, add baking soda or hydrogen peroxide to your toothpaste. 

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Use mouthwash

Use mouthwash
Washing mouth Shutterstock

Mouthwash is known for keeping breath smelling fresh, but it’s a great tool for keeping your teeth white. Mouthwash will kill the bad bacteria in your mouth that are partially responsible for discoloring your teeth. 

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Limit added sugar intake

Limit added sugar intake
Eating healthy Shutterstock

Don’t cut sugar out of your life entirely in the name of dental health, but try to limit it to keep your teeth in good shape. Too much sugar can cause your teeth to decay, which causes the appearance of your teeth to decline. 

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Try a whitening system

Try a whitening system
Whitening teeth Shutterstock

There are loads and loads of at-home whitening systems available for purchase, all promising a brand-new smile. While they won’t deliver the desired results, at-home whitening systems can be effective for surface whitening or maintenance. 

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Brush regularly

Brush regularly
Brushing teeth Shutterstock

It should go without saying, but keeping your teeth healthy will keep them white. Part of keeping your teeth healthy is brushing regularly. Make sure to take a toothbrush to those teeth twice a day. 

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Visit the dentist

Visit the dentist
Visiting the dentist Shutterstock

Another part of keeping teeth healthy is visiting the dentist regularly. It’s a chore for most of us, but it will ensure your teeth are in as good shape as possible, which will keep them looking pearly white. 

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Get a professional whitening treatment

Get a professional whitening treatment
Visiting the dentist Shutterstock

If you have deep stains on your teeth, a professional whitening treatment may be able to help. You’ll have to see a dentist, and it could be expensive, but you’ll get more effective results than from an at-home kit. 

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Try oil pulling

Try oil pulling
Coconut oil Shutterstock

Oil pulling is a practice where you swish oil around your mouth to remove bad bacteria. Many people have reported good results in teeth whitening, but be sure to consult a dentist before solely relying on this practice. 

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Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables
Grabbing fruit Shutterstock

For many reasons, fruits and vegetables are good for your body, but some have been known to whiten teeth. Some have found mixing strawberries with baking soda to be an effective at-home whitener; others swear that pineapple whitens teeth. 

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Consume calcium

Consume calcium
Drinking milk Shutterstock

Calcium keeps your teeth strong, and strong teeth are less likely to decay. Drink that milk and eat that yogurt. 

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Use a charcoal toothpaste

Use a charcoal toothpaste
Brushing teeth Shutterstock

Many have found charcoal toothpaste to be another effective way to keep their teeth white. While using charcoal toothpaste might not seem effective in the moment, as it turns your mouth black, if you stick with it, you’ll likely see results over time. 

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Use fruit peels

Use fruit peels
Orange peel Shutterstock

This tip sounds crazy, and it will feel crazy when you’re doing it, but many people claim that rubbing a fruit peel — one from an orange, banana, or lemon — on your teeth whitens them. Would you rather be silly or have yellow teeth?

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Drink water after drinking certain beverages

Drink water after drinking certain beverages
Drinking coffee Shutterstock

Water alone isn’t going to whiten your teeth, but having it after beverages like coffee or wine that are known to stain teeth will help clear out those bad bacteria and staining particles so they don’t sit on your teeth for so long. 

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Brush your teeth after eating certain foods

Brush your teeth after eating certain foods
Brushing teeth Shutterstock

Certain foods, like tomato sauce or anything high in acid, can wreak havoc on your enamel and stain your teeth. Like drinking water, brushing helps get those foods completely from your teeth so they don't sit and do damage. 

Acacia Deadrick is a South Dakota-based writer who has written for sites such as Nicki Swift, The List, and Glam. She loves music and all things pop culture, and she can be found watching TV, completing a crossword puzzle, or reading in her spare time. 

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