20 safety tips to use while traveling solo
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20 safety tips to use while traveling solo

Traveling solo can be intimidating, but following these 20 tips will put you at ease. 

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Research where you’re going

Research where you’re going
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Staying safe while traveling solo starts before you leave. Ahead of your trip, thoroughly research where you’re going. Study a map, become as familiar as possible with the area, and learn which places are safe and which should be avoided. 

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Plan your transportation

Plan your transportation
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Be sure to have your transportation planned ahead of time, too (at least the major pieces). Know how you’re getting to and from the airport and any destination changes in between. Research the public transportation system, too, to learn whether it’s safe for tourists. 

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Tell friends and family members your itinerary

Tell friends and family members your itinerary
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Before you go, share your itinerary with your friends and family members. Be as detailed as possible, especially with your arrival times at new destinations. Ask them to check in periodically to ensure you’re still safe, and share your location with them via your devices if possible. 

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Never leave your items unattended

Never leave your items unattended
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This is good sense even if you’re traveling with others, but it’s especially important if you’re alone. Never leave your personal items unattended; it’s a recipe for disaster. Consider what you’re packing beforehand, and be sure you can manage everything you’re bringing so nothing gets left behind. 

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Keep extra cash in a safe place

Keep extra cash in a safe place
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Don’t carry too much cash with you while traveling solo, as that can be unsafe. Make sure you have an emergency fund stashed somewhere only you can access. Leave some extra funds in a nook in your luggage and keep some in a safe place on your person, just in case. 

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Travel with a first aid kit

Travel with a first aid kit
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If you’re traveling alone, especially to a foreign country, take a first aid kit with you in case of injury or illness. If you have a chronic illness, allergy, or other condition that requires vigilance, be sure to take any necessary medications or tools with you so you don’t have to seek them out. 

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Wear pickpocket-proof items

Wear pickpocket-proof items
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Pickpockets are alive and well worldwide, so protect yourself as best you can. Wear pickpocket-proof items and keep your most important items as tightly on your person as possible. Read up on specific strategies to avoid pickpockets, too. 

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Install a VPN on your devices

Install a VPN on your devices
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In today’s world, you need your devices while traveling, especially when going somewhere alone. Install a VPN on your devices for extra protection while you’re in a new location. 

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Only travel with what you need

Only travel with what you need
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You may be tempted to travel with your most beautiful jewelry or new designer purse, but bringing those along is unnecessary and can attract unwanted attention. Only bring along what you absolutely need, and leave everything else at home where they’re safe. 

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Stay in public places

Stay in public places
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Going off the beaten path can be fun, but it’s not such a good idea when traveling solo. Instead, stay in public places where there are lots of other people around. Should something unsavory happen, there will be others in sight to help if necessary. 

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Don’t share your accommodations with people you don’t know

Don’t share your accommodations with people you don’t know
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When you’re traveling, your lodging is a sacred place. Keep it that way. Don’t offer up where you’re staying to people you’ve just met; if someone asks, politely decline to answer or make something up. The only people who should know where you’re staying are the staff and your trusted family and friends. 

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Stay sober

Stay sober
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When traveling solo, it’s important to keep your wits about you, and that starts with staying sober. You can indulge occasionally but don’t get to the point of no return. If you feel that you may have gone a little overboard, stay where you are until you have a clear enough mind to move locations. 

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Blend in with your surroundings

Blend in with your surroundings
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Again, when you’re traveling solo, you don’t want to attract any unwanted attention. One way to do this is by looking as much like a local as possible. Pack similar clothing as the locals and mimic their behavior so you blend in. 

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Don’t walk around with a map

Don’t walk around with a map
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Using a map while walking is an automatic giveaway that you’re not from the area. Rather than using one while walking, study the map before you leave and memorize your route. If you absolutely need to use a map, connect your phone to one headphone and listen to the directions. 

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Don’t walk alone at night

Don’t walk alone at night
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You may want to have nighttime experiences while traveling solo, like seeing a local landmark in the dark or taking a nighttime tour, but make sure you do those safely. At night, use a safe mode of transportation to get to and from your destination, and don’t walk around the area.  

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Learn key phrases

Learn key phrases
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Again, assimilating is key to traveling safely alone, and you can begin by learning key phrases that the locals say. This is especially helpful if you’re traveling to a country that speaks a different language than you. 

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Travel with a personal safety item

Travel with a personal safety item
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Take along a personal safety item, like a small taser or pepper spray. If nothing else, these items can give you peace of mind, and in a scary situation, they can be the difference between life and death. 

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Don’t publicize that you’re alone

Don’t publicize that you’re alone
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If you meet someone new on vacation, don’t share that you’re traveling solo. If you’re posting about your vacation to social media, don’t mention that you’re alone. Keep that information to yourself so you’re less vulnerable. 

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Stay alert

Stay alert
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There are dozens and dozens of safety tips for traveling solo, but many of them boil down to staying alert. Watch where you’re going. Be hyper-aware of what’s going on around you. Don’t trust others. Do whatever it takes to keep yourself safe. 

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Trust your gut

Trust your gut
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We all have a gut instinct. Use it when you’re traveling solo. If you don’t feel safe somewhere, leave. If a taxi driver makes you uncomfortable, get out of the car. Make the classic phrase your mantra: better safe than sorry. 

Acacia Deadrick is a South Dakota-based writer who has written for sites such as Nicki Swift, The List, and Glam. She loves music and all things pop culture, and she can be found watching TV, completing a crossword puzzle, or reading in her spare time. 

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